It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Rumors of my demise are incorrect — just a “tad” busy :@) I don’t raise a lot of puppies but for some reason (“Perhaps” looking at all the well-bred pups this year) I decided I was in the mood for one … or 2 … OK … 5 but who is counting. I usually raise…

Shaping up

I’ve been working a dog that needs help staying correct on his flanks. Trainers often talk about “shaping” a dog (usually in reference to flanks and outruns). I enjoy spending time trying to figure out how to get into a dogs mind (almost as much as actual training) to help him work better – so…

Perfect pressure.

“PRESSURE ON – PRESSURE OFF” Talking about pressure …. again. This seems to be an issue that comes up regularly during lessons. Novices trying to figure out when and where corrections should be given. Since it’s not easy for a lot of students I thought I would approach the subject again. The simplest *visualization* I…

“Can you hear me now?”

Students are always asking why doesn’t my dog listen to me? It all starts “up close and personal”. In order for a dog to work with you … you have to be in his mind. He can’t hear what you are saying if he’s not listening. So, how do we go about teaching a dog…

Changing of the guard

It’s a decision that eventually has to made by all of us if we run dogs long enough. Not something to look forward to but something to accept  – no matter how much we try not to think about it or put it off. It’s part of the responsibility of working dogs. Moss is 10…

For the love of the dogs

I can’t think of a greater compliment that can be said about someone in our “world” than “For the love of the dogs” This is going to be a hard one for me to write. I seriously thought about not writing anything  … partly because it’s so personal but more because it makes it real…

Psych 101

Most people understand the concept of physical pressure more than psychological pressure. It seems to be easier for students to see someone “correct” a dog physically (because they can actually see it happen) than psychologically (which has to be interpreted ). But, I think the best corrections are psychological not physical. If you don’t learn how to…

New beginnings – again.

Is that a bit like Deja vu all over again :@) A couple of years ago I started 2 pups that were as different as can be. They both had talent and proved that the training time spent … was well worth the effort. Since I seem to be “at it” again … I’ve been…

“It was the best of times –

It was the worse of times”. I would give “odds” anyone that has ever trialed has connected with that famous quote from “Tale of two cities”. Zamora was like “Tale of two cities” :@) The first trial had a totally different winner than the second – moral of the trial (or life) – never give up…


I’ve heard the word and used it for years and thought I had it “figured out” in my mind as to what it meant. UNTIL, An incident gave me a totally different perspective on the concept. I’ve sold a lot of dogs and they are always happy to see me again (even after years). Even the…